Amber Jelly


140 ml lemon juice or two large lemons
175 g sugar
30 g gelatine
3 egg yolks
thin rind of 1 lemon
400 ml water

Preparation Method

Put all the ingredients into a pan and soak for 5 minutes.
Whisk over gentle heat until near boiling point.
Do not boil or the eggs will curdle strain and set.

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TamilNadu Food

Tamil Nadu has a wide range of vegetarian and non-vegetarian delicacies to offer. The food here gets its flavor from a host of spices and condiments used in Tamil Nadu. Coconut, tamarind and asafoetida are a must for almost all vegetarian recipes. Garam masala is avoided in Tamil cuisine. In Tamil Nadu Coconut oil is normally used as the medium of cooking. Chutneys and mixed spice are served in the lunch and enhance the taste of the meal.